Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Your first Peoples of Israel Blog Post

Peoples of Israel Blog posts are different from Current Events Blog Posts.  Your Peoples of Israel Blog Post is your answer to a question about one or more Israeli population groups or social issues; that is, you are presenting a hypothesis and supplying evidence for it from assigned reading. 

Make sure that you start the post by clearly stating your answer.  When you present a piece of data as your evidence, you must describe its reliability and the viewpoint of the author who is presenting it. You must provide a link to it.  Because you cannot put in a link to the Rosenthal chapter, you must reference it as you do in the reading quizzes; for example, (Rosenthal 43); this rule also applies if you are referencing an assigned pdf. You MUST have links to the assigned online article and to any other online sources from which you draw information.  Showing that you have researched the topic is good.  Photos with captions can strengthen your arguments and brighten up the post.

Your post must be at least 600 words long, and it must include at least three sources of information. I specify these below.  Your post is due 11:59 p.m. on Friday, April 26.

Choose one of the questions below.

1. Why are some communities within Israeli society intolerant of homosexuality and sexual permissiveness?  

Present your informed answer on this subject by incorporating data from three sources (and you must refer to all three):
(1) The Israelis, by Donna Rosenthal (this counts as one source, even if you refer to multiple chapters)
(2) the Central Bureau of Israel Statistics “The population of Israel 1990-2009 Demographic Characteristics” booklet (on Week 11 Canvas)
(3) the Haaretz article Who’s Behind anti-LGBT, anti-Reform Signs in Israeli Cities?

2. Do all Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs hate each other, and does each group hope that the other would utterly depart from the State of Israel?   

Present your informed answer on this subject by incorporating data from three sources (and you must refer to all three):
(1) The Israelis, by Donna Rosenthal (this counts as one source, even if you refer to multiple chapters)
(2) Pew Research Forum "Israel's Religiously Divided Society" website (on Week 12 Canvas)
(3) the +972 article by Dahlia Scheindlin, Poll: Jews, Arabs much less divided than Israeli politics lets on

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