Peoples of Israel Blog Posts and grading

Your Peoples of Israel Blog Post is your answer to a question about one or more Israeli population groups or social issues; that is, you are presenting a hypothesis and supplying evidence for it from assigned reading. 

Make sure that you start the post by clearly stating your answer.  You are making a point and providing evidence for it.   When you present a piece of data as your evidence, you must describe its reliability and the viewpoint of the author who is presenting it. You must provide a link to it.  Because you cannot put in a link to the Rosenthal chapter or to another pdf, you must reference it as you do in the reading quizzes; for example, (Rosenthal 43).  You do not have to describe Rosenthal's reliability. 

Showing that you have researched the topic is good.  Photos with captions can strengthen your arguments and brighten up the post.

Your post should be at least 600 words - probably more, considering that you have three sources. 

1. summary

3 sources are used
The topic is explained well.  The information and analysis significantly add to information from the assigned course reading – and the post identifies the sources of the information.
The topic is explained, but some minor information is missing or mistaken or unclear.
The topic is not explained thoroughly or clearly.   
A significant amount of information from Rosenthal or the other sources is missing and/or mistaken

2. authors’ points of view
The points of view of all authors have been discussed and identified by evidence.  
The points of view of all authors have been identified by evidence, but there are minor points missing, mistaken, or  unclear.    
The points of view of all authors have been discussed and identified by evidence but there are significant points missing, mistaken, or unclear.
There is no treatment of the points of view, or the description of the viewpoint is not accurate.  

3. reliability of specific pieces of information
(You do not need to discuss Rosenthal’s reliability.)
There are clear and convincing statements about which data or conclusions in the sources are reliable, and why

There are statements about the reliability of some, but not all of the important, pieces of data or conclusions in the source.
There is a statement about reliability, but insufficient information or explanation.  
There is no treatment of this issue. 

4. links and references
All links and references are present, sufficiently visible, placed in appropriate places, and are fully functional. 
All links and references are present, fully functional, but they are not always sufficiently visible or placed in appropriate places. 
Most of the links and references are present and functioning, but not all, and they are not always sufficiently visible or placed in appropriate places. 
Links and references are missing, or not functional, or are all placed at the beginning or end of the post.  

5. format
The post is visually easy to read and well designed in terms of spacing, colors, and font choices. 
The post is visually easy to read and generally well designed (see A), but there are minor problems.   
The post is adequately formatted, but a bit confusing or difficult to read.
The post is hard to read because of a lack of paragraph divisions, changing fonts, clashing colors, etc. 

6. correct grammar,
punctuation, spelling, and writing
Writing is free of grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. It is written in paragraph form and its ideas progress logically. 
A few errors are present.
A large number of obvious errors are present, but they do not detract from the post's legibility. {A C in this category prevents receiving an A grade on the post.}
Errors are so many and significant that reading the post is difficult, and the post is difficult to understand.

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